Cancel Policy
Cancel Order Policy
Any changes or cancellation must be made before 11:00AM EST.
Changes or cancellation made after 11:00AM EST will be charged 5% of the total. There is no cancellation fee for any request to cancel, or change if the request is made before the order processes at 11:00AM EST i.e.) If you place an order on Friday before 11:00AM EST, you need to call us by 11:00AM EST on the same day in order to cancel or change your order. If you place an order after 11:00AM EST on Friday, you can call us by 11:00AM EST on Saturday.
If you make an error or you want to cancel your order after it has been authorized and shipped, we're sorry but there is nothing we can do until you receive your order. Youāll need to receive the order first and then return it (in accordance with our Return Policy) for a refund. We will charge shipping and handling fee if your package is already shipped out. If a package delivery is refused by the customer and sent back to us for any reason, the returned shipping cost will be automatically deducted from the customerās Refund.
* Standard Cancellation Policy does not Apply to "Express" Shipping Orders. For āExpressā Shipping Orders, changes or cancellation must be made immediately, within the same day of placing āExpressā order by 11:00AM EST. Changes or cancellation made after 11:00AM EST will be charged 15% of the total.
* Standard Cancellation Policy does not Apply to ācustom madeā orders . If the item in you order need 28 or 35 days as the processing time , changes or cancellation must be made within 48 hours after placing the order . Changes or cancellation made after 48 hours will be charged 30% of the total.